Saturday, August 23, 2014

New Faces, Old Friends

The pears are picked!  Tomorrow we'll be canning them!

Today my brother Eric and his wife Heather hosted a dinner for her sister Judy, who is visiting from Norway right now along with her husband and stunningly gorgeous baby.  Nearly all of my family attended, along with practically-sister Andrea and her husband, and our friend Ben.  I actually got there on time, which is a huge accomplishment.  I was even five minutes early, with two children in tow.  I think I deserve an award, particularly since we were the very first to arrive.

I asked Heather what I could do to help and she sent me to the store.  Gotta have cups and ice, people!  By the time I got back most of the others had arrived, and Rowan, along with Ken and Elliott, was on the tire swing circling around Ben, who stood as still as stone.  It didn't take Rowan long to panic and ask to be let down.  I think he was afraid of crashing into Ben.

Since Eric and Heather's children are now teenagers (!!!), they have no child-appropriate toys, so I brought a small bag from our house.  Oh me oh my!  How can one small bag of toys explode in such a way that they cover every available walking surface?  Just in the den, though, so that's something.  Henry spent a lot of time zooming cars around in there, until he and Brent collaborated to run into the path of the tire swing.  Thankfully there were many watchful people around to keep them from harm!

The food was positively scrumptious, although my children refused to eat in favor of playing.  This happens at nearly all family get-togethers.  Henry did enjoy the blackberry pie my mom made, so much that he smeared the front of my t-shirt with berries.  (Bernd later pointed and laughed and said, "You look like a mom!"  Well, yes, Bernd, I do.  And yes, I laughed.)

Ken and Ben took it in turns to keep the tire swing going almost the entire time, much to the delight of Rowan, Elliott, and Eiley.  I think Rowan might have two new heroes!  (And afterward Ben thanked ME for letting him play with my children!  I say, sure, take them!  No, really, go right ahead and entertain them for several more hours!  Maybe I'll get something done around this house!)

Darling little Mira pulled herself all the way to standing for the first time tonight, and we got to witness it.  So precious!  She also tried to eat Rowan's light-up crocodile.  She's already so adorable!

I had a thoroughly enjoyable evening, and I just might take Heather up on her offer to come over more often, so her yard & house will get cleaned up more often.  Maybe I should start having people over here, if it magically gets the house clean.  ;)

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